The Unexpected Isn’t Always CARTastrophic

Often times people fear the unexpected. People fear it because they always assume the unexpected is something unstoppable. That notion is correct, there is no avoiding the unexpected. Nevertheless, the unexpected and unstoppable does not always lead to the unwanted. It’s time to stop giving the unexpected a bad wrap and realize that it holds so many wonderful opportunities. Recently here at Ferla Bikes, the unexpected has been nothing but splendid. This is because it gave us an opportunity to expand ourselves and start looking into the future with our brand new Ferla coffee and ice cream carts.







The Start

We cherish open-mindedness, collaboration, and creativity at Ferla not only within our team but within our customer community as well.

Over the past few years a few customers have given us the idea to possibly provide coffee cart and ice cream cart models without the bike attached. They told us that they had trouble finding a place to store their Ferla bikes and some of them mentioned they did not even need the bike attached. For some of our customers a simple, functional, and aesthetically pleasing cart was all they needed.

In order to make those customers feel heard and improve upon our products, we got down to business and started creating the first ever set of Ferla coffee and ice cream carts. We wanted to make sure that the carts were different from anything else on the market. We created carts that had the same features, design, and feeling you love all while making them unlike anything we have ever offered before! Our Ferla Grande cart is our largest model yet; giving you all the space you need to sell your products. Oppositely, the Ferla Mini cart is just the right size to spread positivity and make your business dreams come true!

The Response

Since this idea came from only a few of our customers we were not expecting a very high demand. We are in fact Ferla BIKES and we felt as though the majority of our existing and future customers would still prefer our bike models over our cart models. Goodness were we wrong about that! People are falling in love and purchasing our carts more than we ever expected! It is such an incredible feeling to see an idea, that came from the voices of the community, not only come to life, but to be cherished by others. The fact that this idea stemmed from the minds and opinions of our customers makes these models all the more special. The cart belongs not only to the Ferla business team but to you, our loyal, creative, and passionate Ferla community.

Along with our unexpected demand, an unexpected business joined the Ferla community. What business you ask? None other than Tiffany’s! Tiffany & Co. reached out to us wanting a custom ordered Ferla Mini Cart to use for a pop-up in Beverly Hills which was to promote their restaurant The Blue Box Cafe.

Ferla Mini Cart

We custom colored the bikes to be the iconic Tiffany’s blue and to be honest, I’m a little jealous they have this color copyrighted because it is absolutely stunning! The pop-up shop was a blue wonderland. Blue coffee carts, cups, pastries, clothes, you name it! Above you can see our Ferla Mini in action. Someone is about to munch on a delicious treat and we are overjoyed it was stored in our cart!

Ferla Mini Cart

It was exciting to go through social media and see all the lovely people take photos in front of our cart. Above you can also see a passionate Tiffany’s vendor! Our mission to make it aesthetically pleasing and beautiful was most definitely accomplished.

Harry Banana


Our one-of-a-kind colors have also given small entrepreneurs a creative and fun way to help promote and kick start their business. The Harry Banana purchased one of our Ferla Ice Cream bikes and we were happy to add his bright and quirky logo to the cart and make it just the right shade of banana yellow! Not only does Harry make healthy, vegan, and delicious treats but he also rocks those banana overalls! They’re quite aPEELing if you ask me!

The Ferla Cart Future

Currently we offer two types of carts: our Ferla Mini and Ferla Grande carts. They will be fully restocked this mid-June! We are not stopping here! The Ferla future is filled with innovative carts that will feed a range of needs and bring possibilities to a wider ranger of dreamers. We are planning to create a grill cart, cold brew cart, merchandise cart, and more! We are also planning to increase the size of the freezer so that you can fit more chilly delights into your cart and bring more smiles to your customers.

When I look back at this journey I can’t help but marvel at how the most beautiful thing and possibly the most helpful thing about life is that it is unexpected. People always say you find love when you least expect it and boy oh boy did we find not only love but happiness in our carts! Ferla Bikes was founded on the belief that anything is possible no matter how big or how small your business is. Being able to contribute to Harry’s dream means the world to us. Helping Tiffany’s with their pop-up and being a part of Harry’s dream would never have happened without the unexpectedly amazing feedback we received from you. Next time the unexpected comes your way don’t be afraid, be happy because if its about to bring you anything like it brought us you’re in for an amazing coffee cart ride.

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