Food Carts for Weddings: Everything You Need to Know

The wedding industry has been evolving non-stop these past two decades. Ever since the 1920s, high society and new technologies have created a brand new culture that many want to either replicate or be a part of. Nowadays, millions of couples everywhere want to bring something new to the table and make their own special day stand out from all the rest. And one of the best ways they can do that is through the food they serve.

From freshly-made pizza and tacos to various sweets and beverages, there’s a good reason why wedding food carts are becoming so popular now. They offer everyone extra options, help support small businesses, and in some cases can be cheaper than a standard catering company. So if you have a food cart of your own, why not switch things up by making yourself available for local weddings?

Take a closer look at what to expect and how we at Ferla can help make this happen.

Why Should I Start a Food Cart Business for Weddings?

Having a food cart for weddings is a lot different from selling on the street or at a local faire. While there are definitely some challenges, they could end up being some of your best gigs ever. Here are some of the pros and cons when it comes to working at weddings.

Pro: It’s Easy, and Regular, Income

There’s a reason why the wedding industry is so huge now. While some seasons are busier than others, people get married all throughout the year and want to make theirs as memorable as possible. That’s why even very small weddings can benefit from having a great food truck around. In fact, you may even find that these kinds of crowds are some of your best customers ever.

Con: There May Be Long Lines

It’s always a huge honor when a couple contacts you about work at their upcoming wedding. But before you say yes, always ask them two important questions first: 

  1. How many guests will they have?
  2. Are they hiring any other food carts?

Because if there are more than 150 people and no other carts, then you’ll be stuck dealing with a long line the entire time. This means a lot of annoyed guests, no breathing room, no time to fix whatever goes wrong. For those events, offer up something smaller that you can just hand to them quickly. 

Pro: You’ll Find Lots of New Customers

When you work these events, and impress both the couple and their guests, it opens up the possibility for even more work in the future. You may have an engaged couple at the wedding who now wants to hire you for theirs. And even if no one else is getting married soon, they could still bring you on for other events like birthdays, graduations, and anniversaries. And working different events can be extremely fun and a great way to keep finding new business.

Con: The Weather Might Change Things

No matter how much you plan ahead, there are some things you can’t control. And as all food cart owners know, the weather is near the top of that list. So if you’re working an outdoor wedding, make sure you have a back-up plan in case things suddenly change. Check ahead of time if you can move your cart to an indoor space so you can keep on serving the guests.

Pro: You Can Switch Up Your Work Routine

Going into town and selling your food to passersby is a great way to make money, but it can become boring after a while. That’s why we always recommend working at different events. You’ll find new customers, and it provides you with a great change of pace. They may even ask you to make a custom item for this event, giving you a chance to explore your creativity. 

These are just some of what you can expect while catering a wedding. Like anywhere else you work, you’ll have to contend with possible long lines and weather changes. With that said, the guaranteed pay and change-of-setting are more than worth it.

And Now For the Newlyweds

Of course, business owners aren’t the only ones who benefit from these types of gigs. In fact, hiring a wedding food cart also does wonders for the upcoming newlyweds, especially if they’re on a tight budget.

Stand Out and Save Money

With a standard venue caterer, you often have a limited amount of items to choose from. So adding in a food cart or two is a great way to switch things up and give the guests more variety. And in some cases, going with just food carts instead can actually save them thousands of dollars.

On average, wedding caterers will charge around $75 per person. Which means if there are 100 people attending, that’s already $7,500 on food alone. Whereas a food cart will most often charge anywhere between $10 and $35, allowing the couple to book two or even three at way less.

Something Just For Them

When they order from a small business, the couple has way more creative freedom to serve what they want. They can even have you make a custom item just for them to make their wedding 100 percent their own. And, as an added bonus, guests have the ability to further customize their own serving.

For example, you could offer different flavored cupcakes with a wide variety of frosting and toppings. You could also serve up pretzels, crostini, or even do a hot chocolate bar in the winter. As long as you can easily transport everything you’ll need to the venue, there’s a lot you can play with to make things memorable.

Ferla Bikes Fit In Perfectly at Weddings

Ferla makes lots of high-quality food carts and bikes that are perfect for fairies, weddings, and other fun events. Not only are they all super stylish on their own, but they’re also completely customizable from their inner mechanics to the decals you put on. Whether you want to sell coffee, ice cream, hot dogs, or something else, we’re all set to make that happen.

While some food carts for sale cost as much as $20,000, we sell ours for a fraction of that price. We even offer payment plans to help you take things slowly while you’re just starting out. And because most of them run on an e-bike, you won’t have to worry about gas expenses. Just charge the battery ahead of time, and you’ll be on your way to any event without even breaking a sweat.

From lots of new income to all those potential clients, there’s no reason not to try wedding catering. And Ferla’s food carts and bikes can help make that happen.

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